The Signal Processing Group is part of the Institute of Electronics, which belongs to the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Krakow, Poland. Group members perform research into various aspects of digital signal processing (DSP) focusing mainly on speech and audio signal processing for the Internet of Things (IoT), multimedia and communication applications, as well as the processing of biomedical signals and audio-video for virtual and augmented reality. Research into signal processing builds upon an intelligent integration of classical DSP techniques, statistical signal processing and machine learning.
The Signal Processing Group is led by Associate Professor Konrad Kowalczyk and it consists of over a dozen of the members of academic staff and research students at a Ph.D. level. The DSP team collaborates internationally with renown academic partners and nationally with the local high-tech industry, and has successfully completed a number of research and commercial R&D projects. The group offers fundamental and advanced taught courses on signal processing, DSP, machine learning, and programming for embedded and multimedia applications at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The Signal Processing Group regularly offers student jobs in research and R&D projects, as well as provides a breadth of opportunities for thesis work and student internships.
As every year, our group took part in Małopolska Noc Naukowców organized at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication. This year for the first time our participation included a demo in the Virtual Reality lab, which the audience highly enjoyed. Event on our side was organized and run by mgr inż. Marcin Witkowski, […]
Read MoreTomorrow our team members are heading to Incheon in South Korea to attend the upcoming INTERSPEECH 2022 conference. Meet Magdalen Rybicka, Julitta Bartolewska, Mieszko Fraś, Mateusz Guzik, Marcin Witkowski, Stanisław Kacprzak and Konrad Kowalczyk personally at INTERSPEECH 2022 to talk about their research on speaker diarization, speech separation, dereverberation and denoising using deep learning, hybrid, […]
Read MoreWe are happy to announce that IDUB (Initiative for Excellence Research University) will support the Signal Processing group with funding of around 80k Euros for conference attendance, audio equipment and a 3-year research assistant position. Information in Polish available on IDUB’s website.
Read MoreWe proudly announce that dr hab. inż. Konrad Kowalczyk, prof. AGH has recently started to serve as Associate Editor to the renown IEEE Signal Processing Letters. The IEEE Signal Processing Letters is an archival publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in […]
Read MoreWe are very proud to announce that 4 research papers authored by members of the AGH Signal Processing Group were accepted for presentation at the Annual Conf. Int. Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) to be held in September of 2022 in Incheon, South Korea. Julitta Bartolewska, Stanisław Kacprzak, Konrad Kowalczyk, “Refining DNN-based Mask Estimation using CGMM-based […]
Read MoreWe are very happy to invite all participants of IEEE ICASSP 2022 conference to see 4 presentations of the members of AGH Signal Processing Group. Presentations are: 1. Marcin Witkowski and Konrad Kowalczyk, SPLIT BREGMAN APPROACH TO LINEAR PREDICTION BASED DEREVERBERATION WITH ENFORCED SPEECH SPARSITY, Session: System Identification and Reverberation ReductionPresentation Time: Sun, 8 May, […]
Read MoreWe pleased to announce that Associate Professor Konrad Kowalczyk obtained funding from the National Science Center (NCN) Poland under the Sonata Bis program for the project entitled “Deep extraction for robust speech recognition”. More information can be found at AGH and IET Faculty.
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