Signal Processing Group

Welcome to the AGH Signal Processing Group

The Signal Processing Group is part of the Institute of Electronics, which belongs to the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications at AGH University of Krakow, Poland. Group members perform research into various aspects of digital signal processing (DSP) focusing mainly on speech and audio signal processing for the Internet of Things (IoT), multimedia and communication applications, as well as the processing of biomedical signals and audio-video for virtual and augmented reality. Research into signal processing builds upon an intelligent integration of classical DSP techniques, statistical signal processing and machine learning.

The Signal Processing Group is led by Associate Professor Konrad Kowalczyk and it consists of over a dozen of the members of academic staff and research students at a Ph.D. level. The DSP team collaborates internationally with renown academic partners and nationally with the local high-tech industry, and has successfully completed a number of research and commercial R&D projects. The group offers fundamental and advanced taught courses on signal processing, DSP, machine learning, and programming for embedded and multimedia applications at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The Signal Processing Group regularly offers student jobs in research and R&D projects, as well as provides a breadth of opportunities for thesis work and student internships.

DSP team participates in SdSV Challenge at INTERSPEECH 2020

The DSP AGH team consisting of Magdalena Rybicka, Stanisław Kacprzak, Marcin Witkowski and Konrad Kowalczyk participated in the Short-duration Speaker Verification (SdSV) Challenge organized as a satellite event of the INTERSPEECH 2020 conference. The DSP team competed in Task2: Text-independent Speaker Verification. The technical report and the challenge results have recently been announced by the […]

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Presentation of MSc student at IEEE SAM Workshop 2020

On June 11th, MSc student Julitta Bartolewska is giving a presentation at the 11th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop 2020. Instead of giving a life presentation in Hangzhou, China, Julitta will present the paper on “Distributed Multiarray Noise Reduction With Online Estimation Of Masks And Spatial Filters” at the Virtual Conference SAM […]

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Two presentations from DSP team at IEEE ICASSP 2020

This year the Signal Processing Group has 2 presentations at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020). Congratulations Szymon for great work and paper acceptance. This year’s IEEE ICASSP is held as a virtual conference and all presentations will be available also after the conference via IEEE Signal Processing Society […]

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DSP team hiking in Koninki

A hiking event for the beginning of the academic year was a great opportunity to get to know two new PhD students in our group – Magda and Dawid, as well as a final year MSc student – Mateusz.

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Two new Ph.D. students joining the Signal Processing Group

It is our pleasure to welcome mgr inż. Magdalena Rybicka and mgr inż. Dawid Smoleń who have been admitted to AGH Doctoral School. Magda’s research will focus on speaker identification/recognition using deep neural network (DNN) based speaker embeddings, while Dawid will apply machine learning to timbre transfer.

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DSP student visiting Tampere University

Great thanks to Prof Tuomas Virtanen and Dr Archontis Politis for inviting our MSc student and MLSAP project member Daniel Krause to pay a month long research visit to the Audio Processing Group at Tampere University in Finland in summer of 2019, and a week long stay of Konrad Kowalczyk over the period. This visit […]

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