Deep Extraction for Robust Speech Recognition (DERASR)

Project title: Deep Extraction for Robust Speech Recognition
Project type: Research project
Funding: SONATA BIS Program, National Science Centre (NCN)
Duration: 2023 – 2028

Project team members:
dr hab. inż. Konrad Kowalczyk, prof. AGH – Principal Investigator (PI)
dr inż. Stanisław Kacprzak – Postdoctoral Researcher
dr inż. Marcin Witkowski – Postdoctoral Researcher
mgr inż. Mateusz Barański – PhD Student
mgr inż. Jan Jasiński – PhD Student
mgr inż. Julitta Bartolewska – PhD Student
mgr inż. Mieszko Fraś – PhD Student

Project goal
The main goal of the proposed project is to make automatic speech recognition remarkably more robust against acoustically challenging conditions than it is possible today. The research goal is to study the challenges and subsequently develop cutting-edge deep learning based models that enable deep extraction of such representations that yield automatic recognition of the desired speech with increased accuracy and robustness. The project ambition is to enable human-machine voice-based communication operate robustly in the majority of real life scenarios by designing fully deep models for this task.