dr inż. Stanisław Kacprzak
Assistant Professor
Contact details:
office: C2 Building, Room 418
phone: +48 12-617-36-39
email: skacprza@agh.edu.pl
Stanisław Kacprzak received his M.Sc., eng. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Lodz in 2011 and Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technology at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków in 2020. Since April 2020 he holds the position of Assistant Professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. His research interests include audio and speech processing, mainly speaker and language recognition, automatic speech recognition and audio classification. The work he authored or co-authored was presented at top conferences (Interspeech, ICASSP) for which he also serves as a reviewer. He is also an experienced software engineer with hands-on experience in the software industry.
In his free time, he enjoys solving algorithmic problems, playing the electric guitar, and whitewater kayaking.